
Personal Training

FitNinja Personal Training

Personal Training Programs

Individual Training


Personal Training Programs

Buddy Training


Personal Training Programs

Individual Training


Personal Training Programs

Buddy Training


Training Programs

Body Weight

Also called Bodyweight Workout,  it is strength training that uses the individual’s own weight to provide resistance against gravity. Bodyweight exercises can enhance a range of biomotor abilities including strength, power, endurance, speed, flexibility, coordination and balance.

Weights (Gym)

Strength training that uses dumbbells , barbells , weight plates and free weights to isolate / strengthen specific muscles groups .

Personal Training Programs

TRX Suspension

TRX is a form of suspension training that uses body weight exercises to develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously. It helps you move feel and live better. It improves your overall fitness!

Personal Training Programs


Toning helps to develop firmer, more defined, and stronger muscles with
leanness in the body shape (low levels of body fat) shape, but not significant muscle size (bulk).

Sports N Strength Conditioning

Suitable for people of all ages and abilities. Benefits include reduced risk of numerous diseases, improved muscle strength, endurance and power, and overall improved quality of life.

Personal Training Programs

Muay Thai Pad Work

Padwork is the use of boxing gloves and pads as the basis for a workout programme in Thai kickboxing. Benefits to padwork training includes total body workout, improved coordination, reaction time, agility, balance, speed and power, feeling empowered, improved confidence, stress-busting, basic self-defense skills, and fat loss.

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